Global issue - the Paris Agreement gives four paths to restrict global CO2 emissions to 1.5 degrees Celcius by 2050, our goal is to avoid catastrophic disasters.
In our project, we have chosen to follow pathway two: a combination of carbon reduction and carbon capture solutions. Taking into account the rapid expansion of the Belt and Road initiative (BRI), the persistent use of fossil fuels to power it, and the resultant alarming increase in global CO2 emissions, we examine the urban nodes being built along the BRI with regard to future energy use and production.
Our manifesto - we want to hack traditional, unsustainable energy consumption and flip it into an innovative decentralized system, capturing renewable energy locally and distributing it within the urban fabric and beyond.
To this end, we have to come up with a global city building kit and using in a vertical city structure. The building kit sources the local natural forces and resources, storing the resultant energy using batteries integrated into buildings and distributing them. To scale down the energy grid we used various types of small power plants based on the potential sources.
The solution came up by using an algorithm to understand how to deal with the future density and the potential shape of the buildings to gain irradiation in order to produce more energy.
Location- Jakarta, Indonesia